*Current OSTC students who would like to return next year do not need to use the process outlined below.
- Click on "Enroll for 2025-26 School Year" on the left side of the page or below. We recommend using Chrome to access and complete the enrollment form.
- Create an account and fill in the information requested.
- Select your first program choice and a second program choice (or choose "No second choice").
If you choose a program at any campus other than your regional campus,† you must provide your own transportation.
- On the final screen, click "Submit" and "OK" to send. Be sure you receive a confirmation indicating your enrollment information has been submitted.
- The information submitted will be sent to your high school counselor, who will then provide OSTC with other information needed for your enrollment.
- OSTC will send confirmation of your enrollment by U.S. mail and email in April.
Any questions? Please contact OSTC-NW Counselor, Mrs. George at Anne.George@oakland.k12.mi.us
† Your regional campus is determined by the school district you attend, or the school district in which you reside. Please check Find Your Campus page to find out your regional campus.