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OSTC-SE Honors Celebration a Success

OSTC-SE Honors Celebration a Success
Mark Edwards

In a new tradition at OSTC-SE, seniors and outstanding junior students were celebrated at an awards ceremony this year. The seniors received special OSTC-SE cords from wearing during their graduation ceremonies at their home schools. The ceremony also recognized students with various awards, including the Dean's Award for those with a GPA of 3.5 or higher and five or fewer absences.

Additionally, students were honored with Program Awards, highlighting one student from each program for both morning and afternoon sessions. Student Ambassadors, CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organizations) winners, the OSTC-SE Leadership Team, and Work Based Learning students were also acknowledged. The ceremony was filled with joyous moments as certificates were awarded, hands were shaken, cheers were heard, and photos were taken. Both students and staff enjoyed the event, providing positive feedback. The campus plans to continue this tradition of honoring and celebrating their students each spring.